The church of St John (Agios Ioannis) is located in the centre of Lesbos, at the village Kerami, between Kalloni and Papiana. It is of relatively small dimensions (11,70 x 4,50 m), built according to the type of a side-aisled basilica, with an addition of a wood-roofed collonate along the north side.
According to the inscription plate, the church was built in 1733. It is built of stones, while an upper zone of ceramic ornamentation is created by five horizontal zones of bricks, which alternate in their arrangement creating an impressive decoration.
The interior of the sanctuary is decorated with wall paintings contemporary to the erection of the monument. They present a typical iconography, according to which in the upper zone we find scenes from the life of Christ, in the middle zone depictions of saints while the lower one is taken up by a decorative motive.
For the time being restoration works of the wall paintings are carried out by the 14th Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities.